Oil... Oil and MORE oil!!!
Loss of wildlife, people, small companies, coasts!
BP really screwed up didn't they?
200 million gallons of oil was dumped into the gulf in April 2010
Animals - Our dear friends the bottle-nose dolphins and sea turtles are declining in numbers, and evidence undoubtedly links deaths with the effects of the oil spill!
3,000 birds dead birds were found with evidence of oiling. Birds lose their buoyancy when exposed to oil and they fail to regulate their body temperature. - you can imagine that a drowning freezing bird wont survive for long!
Finally, eggs and larvae have lowered spawning success when exposed to oil. Overall, not a great result.
Poor birdy |
Impacts on humans |
$25 billion has already been spent on compensation and cleanups of the oil. But is it enough? If we are still seeing impacts upon wildlife and human health then shouldn't more be done? Responsibility taken?
BUT, it's not only BP that claimed they were going to fix everything, Obama whilst on visit to the beaches affected in May stated:
“I’m here to tell you that you are not alone, you will not be abandoned, you will not be left behind,” he told people in Grand Isle, where the beach has been closed by gobs of oil. “The media may get tired of the story, but we will not. We will be on your side and we will see this through"
---- so many promises!
To conclude, human's demand for energy and power has resulted in the murder of wildlife which depends on the ocean. Additionally people attempting to clean up the problem have had to deal with serious health problems. Another oil spill must be avoided at all costs.
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