Monday, 29 December 2014

So I can't go outside?

"Its like living in a giant smokers lounge"
See what my next blog will be about.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Should you become a vegetarian?

You know when you were a child and you realised that eating the tasty meat you were eating actually came from animals, and you questioned whether to stop eating meat all together? But then of course you were told that meat provided important benefits (especially protein) which were crucial to you growing up, so you found a way to be okay with it. Well now there is another reason why your diet should exclude delicious meaty goodness. Surprisingly enough it has to do with our climate!
As mentioned in the previous blog, methane has natural and anthropogenic sources. However in one specific case a source can be called both natural and anthropogenic, and that is of the excretion of methane during digestion of cattle species. Therefore whereas digestion by cattle is a natural occurrence which will occur even without the help of mankind, the demand for meat by humans has meant that there has been a dramatic growth in cattle to sustain the demand. Thus, the amount of methane being given off by these animals is copious.
To meat the demand of our ever growing, meat craving population, an increasing number of cattle are needed every year. Figure 1 below, shows us that whilst population has more than doubled, meat supply (in response to demand) has quadrupled in almost 50 years. So the meat being consumed has increased not only in total but also per person.

Figure 1

It is known that cattle will lose about 6% of their energy from food intake by emitting methane.Mc Ginn, 2004 examined the outputs of methane from 'beef' cattle when fed various diet supplements.  They discovered that sunflower oil decreased methane emissions by 22% ! This is a very interesting discovery, as it shows that there are simple ways of mitigating emissions, in a  relatively cost effective way. This is important because in the future cattle will definitely increase to meet demand, and consequently emissions will increase. Therefore if methane emissions of all cattle could decrease by 22% we could reach lower pollution levels than present. 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Forget CO2, what about Methane?

Methane is a greenhouse gas. Therefore, it contributes to the current global issue of global warming. Whilst Carbon Dioxide(CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas which receives the most attention and mitigation policies, Methane(CH4), receives much less attention. Its concentration is only a small fraction of that of CO2 but it has a Global Warming Potential of about 25 times that of CO2 (IPCC, 2007). This therefore makes it a crucial element of the atmosphere which has the potential to strongly impact todays and future climate. Figure 1 shows that even though Methane exists in much lesser quantities, it has followed a similar patter to CO2 in the way which it has expanded over the past 2000 years.
Figure 1

Methane is naturally and anthropogenically sourced. Natural sources include that of methanogenesis which is the process undergone by microorganisms to produce energy. Anthropogenic sources of methane include industrial processes and landfills. Natural and anthropogenic sources of methane are displayed in Figure 2 below. Methane is released in copious amounts under anaerobic conditions. An example of this is when permafrost melts and the carbon matter reaches temperatures where it can decompose and thus produce large amounts of methane (Blog).

Figure 2: Methane Cycle

Methane has a life cycle of approximately 8 years (Fiore et al, 2002). After which it will normally react with Oxygen to form Carbon Dioxide, which is the primary greenhouse gas causing concern for global warming. Thus, it can be concluded that even if all anthropogenic sources of CO2 were eliminated (or mitigated) a large proportion of methane would be converted into CO2.

Paleological records show that in the past methane levels have not altered greatly, but have followed natural variations. However, in the past 100 years, methane levels have diverged from their natural patterns and began an accelerated increase. Today, methane concentrations on a global average are almost triple that of pre-industrial levels (Figure 1). 

The importance of mitigating methane emissions are well highlighted in Johnson & Johnson, 1995. They state that the attractive quality of methane for mitigating as opposed to CO2 is that it has a very short atmospheric life time (8 years), therefore reducing emissions in the present or future will have a much speedier impact. Nevertheless, I believe CO2 will always be of most concern to everyone as it is currently found at such massive concentrations.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Dont wash your face!!

Amount of microbeads found in each of these facial cleansers
Micro plastics (less than 10mm in diameter) are derived either directly from the virgin pellets used to manufacture plastic goods or indirectly by the photo-degradation of larger plastic products over time.
The problem with micro plastics is that because they are so small and therefore invisible to the naked eye, they not only pass through filtering systems very easily, and therefore can be found in our drinking water but can also contaminate lakes. 

Microplastics (microbeads) are now commonly found in facial cleansers as a substitute to natural exfoliates (which are more expensive) 

How do microplastics cause damage?

UV degradation of macroplastics makes them prone to absorbing hydrophobic materials such as PCBs which have detrimental effects to the human nervous system. The same degradation can lead to additives which are used to increase the durability of plastics to then leach out.
The very small size of the microplastics means that larger animals don't face problems by ingesting them, as they will pass straight through the digestive system. However, planktonic organisms however can not survive for long after ingestion of microplastics or exposure to the toxins which leach out of the plastics (Cole et al, 2009). Additionally, if the plastics don't cause immediate damage to the organism, but when directed up the food chain (Zitko & Hanlon, 1991) can cause greater impairment. 
Small animals will consume very high quantities of microplastics, because they aren't visible and are easily transferable all across the oceans by currents. Therefore, even though a single micro plastic may not cause damage, large quantities will accumulate and agglomerate which can then cause suffocation, starvation or block digestive tracts (Fendall & Sewell, 2009).

Conclusion? Look out for what is in your facial cleansers before buying them. 

Saturday, 6 December 2014

It's all Rubbish!!

Plastic is used for everything. It is produced at such large quantities (and in my opinion often unnecessary) that plastic debris is now reaching ‘relatively’ untouched areas of the planet such as North Pacific, South Pacific and Antarctica (Gregory, 2009). The properties of plastic which make it so popular, such as it being colourful, light and durable  are the same properties which make them have devastating impacts on the environment, as they are easily mistaken for food and therefore are often mistakenly fed to baby birds by their mothers and buoyant, so they are accidentally ingested by shallow-diving birds. Furthermore, their durability means that they disintegrate very slowly.
Figure 1: Location of North Pacific Garbage Patch

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is created by the movement of ocean currents(from the rotation of the Earth) around the North Pacific Gyre. It transports debris from the the West coast of the US and Japan around into the centre of the pacific where it all accumulates to create what is named the "Garbage patch". The debris gets trapped in the less moving centre of the gyre whereas the exterior is constantly moving cyclically which drags further debris into the centre. Other than the soup of debris which floats on the surface, it has been discovered that 70% of marine debris actually sinks to the bottom of the ocean (National Geographic).

Damage to animals can be caused in multiple ways: 

1. Ingestion 
Figure 2: Entangled Seal
  • Can block digestive tracts
  • cause starvation
  • damage stomach lining

2. Entanglement
  • cause animals to drown
  • cause deforment
  • become wounded
  • turtles are most commonly entangled
  • impaired hunting abilities 


  • The majority of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch contains 6 times more plastic than plankton
  • Every bit of plastic ever made still exists, because it resists biodegradation (According to Captain Moore, who discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 1997)
  • Prior to the 1950s fisheries used rope which is made of natural fibres and therefore disintegrated fairly quickly. Since then however these have been replaced by synthetic materials which are far more buoyant (and therefore pose a threat to shallow-diving birds (Ryan,2008)) and more durable and hence can remain in the oceans for far longer (Gregory,2004).
  • Ghost fishing has been identified as a detrimental issue in a lot of primary fishing areas across the world, where abandoned fishing nets continue to catch fish  which are then lost. Al-Masroori, 2004 estimated a loss of $145 per trap within 3 months of abandonment 
  • The extent of the plastic landfill look a like is now twice the size of Texas. 
  • Entanglement and Ingestion has been found to have increased by 40% in the past decade (Thompson, 2013)
  • Nurdles are pea sized plastic pieces used for the manufacturing of plastic products  
  • The size of plastic ingested is relative to bird size (Cole, 2011, Ryan,1987
  • Seals and sea lions are known to be attracted to packing loops, and therefore become entangled, which causes strangulation (Boren et al, 2006)). See the poor seal in Figure 2.
  • More than 99% of plastic found ingested by Albatrosses in the Hawaiian islands has been identified to be manufactured from Japan (Fry et al, 1987). 
  • Plastic is the most dominant form of debris in the Black sea (47%) (Lechner, 2014), driven by river currents from the many sources of the Danube river in various countries. Figure 3 shows the various types of plastics found, from very small to much larger. 

Error in assumptions

Amounts of total macro plastics has recently been shown to decrease. This has been from the concentration of plastics in samples collected from the ocean and also the number of birds (Ryan 2008). Micro plastics (virgin pellets used for the composition of plastic products)
However, the method used, only included data from dead birds. Therefore there is a bias in the results in that only birds that have ingested very large quantities of these plastics and therefore faced life threatening difficulties will have died and therefore been able to be dissected.

What to do?

Several mechanisms have been thought out about how to clean up the problem of marine debris pollution. With a special focus on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch because of its size and concentration (e.g. Boyan Slat). Charles Moore the discoverer of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch has stated that "the cost for cleaning up the patch would be enough to bankrupt any nation"(National Geographic). Issues relating to how to differentiate between very small pieces of plastic and small fish. 

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

pH on the down low

Acid Rain impacts:


It has similarly been shown that NOx, even though it is not usually considered to have as much of an effect as SO2, can have impacts on indoor areas as well. With it corroding computer systems because of its reaction with Copper, Zinc and Aluminium (Oesch, 1997).

Forest Biomass

Tree Rings patterns showing growth over time
Acid rain has devastating effects on natural ecosystems as well. Forest biomass has been declining in response to increases in acid rain. Calcium and Magnesium has been lost from the soil which is needed for plant development as a result of the leeching from the acid rain, and draining of the mineral rich water (Likens,1996).

So its not just deforestation we should be worried about! Trees will continue to decline and be suffer from illnesses because of the acidification they experience if we do not cut back on our emissions!

Freshwater ecosystems

Finally, freshwater ecosystems are found to be struggling with their increased acidity as an effect of acid rain. A lot of research has been performed on the acidification of lakes in the UK because there is concern that the damage upon the ecology may be irreversible (Monteith, 2013) . Using lake cores, diatom analysis has been used to infer pH values over the years in these lakes. The aim of this has been to attempt to estimate a pH value prior to the impacts of acid rain from anthropogenic emissions, and use it as a target to restore the lakes to their natural conditions(Battarbee,2008).

Dying fish as a result of acid rain
It has been observed in the cores that there has been a significant decline in the concentration of Sulfur from mid-1990s onward (Monteith, 2013)! This is greatly encouraging, however the impacts on the lakes has not been as noticeable or dramatic. A spatial variation is observable across the UK, with the initially most acidified sites responding the fastest and increasing their pH, whereas others haven't as much.  The magnitude of the impacts have been correlated with the availability of Carbon and whether the site has been afforested. This is because water with a higher pH has a higher solubility to organic Carbon (which has positive impacts on the lakes ecosystems).

So the good news is; pH is decreasing as a result of a successful reduction of emissions. 
Bad news; Concentrations of Sulfur and Nitrate remains abnormally high in relation to post industrial levels, so restoration must continue, and emissions must continue to drop to reach target levels. 

Battarbee et al, 2005, interestingly mentions that the rapid climate change we are experiencing may mean that we need to alter our target levels of restoration as conditions change, as those targets may no longer be feasible. Increasing atmospheric temperatures will lead to increased surface water temperatures, which will decrease their solubility of Oxygen, which impacts all living organisms. 

Climate change has impacts on everything apparently...!

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Let it rain! ... or not!

Location of the Acropolis
Being born and raised in Athens, Greece, I grew up hearing all about the Acropolis and its history. Located in the centre of Athens, high on a hill so it can be seen from most of the city centre, but therefore also located in, currently, in the most polluted area of Athens. As a child I was surrounded by people who spoke so passionately about it and how proud they were that even though Greece's reputation might of been dispirited (due to the economic crisis) they will always have their history to be proud of. A history which nobody can take away from them.. OR CAN THEY?

The Parthenon

Acid rain is a world wide problem. Since the industrial revolution, pollutants have been emitted into the atmosphere at an accelerated rate, especially Sulfur(SO2) and Nitrous Oxide(NOx). These acidic compounds  are sourced from natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and lightning respectively, but its the atmospheric emissions which have caused abnormal amounts to persist in the atmosphere and mix with the atmospheric H20. When they mix with water particles in the atmosphere they decrease its pH. Thus, in effect, when the water particles precipitate they have a much lower pH than normal. This acidity can have very damaging effects on various human and environmentally constructed components on the planet. Rain in areas far from industrial sources and hence their pollutants is known to have on average a pH of 5(Schindler, 1988). Any pH lower than this will start reacting with materials and causing damaging effects.

Anthropogenic sources include electric power plants and vehicles. Production of electricity is however the major source. Many techniques to prevent these effects have been tried but not many have been successful. For example, making the smoke funnels taller, but that unfortunately resulted in the smoke being able to travel even further! Therefore, policies had to be implemented worldwide, but the US and Europe were particularly successful in reducing their NOx and SO2 emissions over several decades (Figure 1). Luckily this also correlated with a decrease in acid rain and a noticeable recovery in lakes and streams (EPA). Hence, the only truly successful measure that can be implemented is to reduce emissions;
Which is one of the reasons you are told to "TURN OF THE LIGHTS when you aren't in the room!"
Figure 1: Total Sulfur Emissions over time

The parthenon has 'semi' survived the effects of bombs, fires and earthquakes! Could a little big of rain really be enough to destroy it forever? The parthenon is made of beautiful white marbles (essentially limestone), and it is now turning black and being corroded!! This is not only because of the acid rain reactions but also because of the black fumes coming out of vehicles (but this is a matter for a different day). The question is how to preserve the sculptures as best as possible without losing the incredible detail (Figure 2)? Limestone is very sensitive to acidity, which corrodes it very productively (Kucera,1994). Therefore as discussed above the only guaranteed ways of reducing these effects is for the Greek government to either enforce policies which will reduce the people total electricity usage, or to implement alternative energy sources other than fossil fuels which do not pollute the atmosphere. 

Figure 2: Battle of the centaurs, depicted on the metopes of the Parthenon

Currently, they are attempting to clean as much of the monument as they can using laser treatment which combines UV and Infrared beams (Daily Mail, 2008) Figure 3 below, shows the effects of the treatment on the marbles( left side is cleaned, right side is still black). But this only works in reducing the effects of smog, and not the effects of corrosion. Once the marble is corroded it is lost forever.
Figure 3: Cleaning using the laser technology.

The parts from the Acropolis temples which have been taken into museums (Acropolis museum, Athens and British museum), have parts missing due to the damage of the earthquakes and of the bomb. New marble has hence been replaced to fill in the gaps. This however not only looks artificial, as the new marble is so much whiter than the ancient one, but the detail can not be replicated. Therefore, the only solution for the corroded marble in the future will be to do the same which will eventually lead to more of it being replaced and the genuine history being lost.

So, in the future, to save the history of Athens, either all of the acropolis will have to be taken apart and placed in the protection of museums, or there will have to be a significant reduction in the amount of pollution emitted in Athens.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

What's all the fuss with Polar Stratospheric Clouds?

Why is the ozone hole above Antarctica when it is the developed countries in the Northern Hemisphere which use the highest concentration of CFCs? The answer is Polar Stratospheric Clouds!!

Without Polar Stratospheric Clouds

Incoming UV radiation breaks down chloroflurocarbons. This results in either ClO (Chlorine Monoxide) which has reacted with ozone or as Chlorine atoms (Cl). Subsequently, naturally occurring gasses such as Nitrogen dioxide and methane react with ClO and Cl to form chemically inactive molecules (CIONO2 & HCI) Shown in Figure 1. The reaction then ends, therefore ozone depletion is minimal.

Comparing reactions in the presence of polar stratospheric clouds and their absence.

With Polar Stratospheric Clouds

Contrary to the above conditions where there are no polar stratospheric clouds(PSCs) present, when they are, the reactions occurring are very different. PSCs initiate reactions between the two reservoirs which withdraws Cl from its reservoirs in the form of Cl2. Sunlight will then break up molecular Chlorine (Cl2) into separate Chlorine atoms which are highly reactive with ozone. This reaction then forms ClO & O2, which rapidly react with each other giving off producing Cl2O2 which in the presence of visible light will break down into Cl atoms and Oxygen molecules. 
Reservoirs are not reformed because of the precipitation of Nitric acid which prevents them from occurring. 

Friday, 7 November 2014

The hole problem

The formation of ozone requires ultraviolet radiation and a reaction with dioxygen. Shortwave UV radiation hits oxygen molecules and breaks them up. These now unstable oxygen atoms will latch onto other oxygen molecules creating O3 (ozone). The formation of ozone therefore requires UV radiation. It is therefore ironic that UV radiation (which helps to create ozone) is also prevented from reaching the atmosphere by ozone's' absorbing action. UV radiation is not tolerable by plants, animals or humans. Its wavelength is too short and strong for plants and animals to deal with and thus humans are more susceptible to skin cancer if they often in strong exposure to UV rays. The survival of man kind and ecosystems is therefore highly dependent on the presence of ozone in the atmosphere (stratosphere) to block incoming radiation.

Ozone has undoubtedly been present in the earths atmosphere since the beginning, as life on earth can not have existed without incoming UV radiation been absorbed and preventing damage to ecosystems. It has forever been regenerating and being destroyed, by naturally occurring chemicals such as Hydrogen, Bromine and Nitrogen (Solomon, 2010). These chemicals trigger catalytic reactions which break down Ozone into Oxygen and other elements. This has kept ozone levels fairly steady throughout the years, with these elements having naturally occurring variations which were in no way extreme.

Chlorofluorocarbons(CFC's) are created by humans for use in refrigerators, air conditioners and other uses for maintaining temperature. Therefore, did not come into existence until the 20th century. Chlorine atoms are very reactive and leads to one of the reactions which destroy ozone(Solomon et al, 1986), and when CFC's are expose to UV radiation they dissociate and form chlorine atoms which are highly reactive with ozone, diminishing it to Oxygen molecules and ClO (Chlorine monoxide which also reacts with ozone) - do you see the vicious cycle?

The polar vortex creates a beautiful but catastrophic phenomenon called polar stratospheric clouds. As clearly explained by the name, they are present near the poles, especially during their winter, where there is no sunlight for approximately 3 months which means that temperatures reach record lows of -80 degrees Celsius (Poole,1998). It is the conditions present on these clouds which are perfect for the photochemical reactions leading to the break down of ozone. Therefore, the period that this ozone destruction occurs is in the early spring of the antarctic, when there is just enough sunlight for the radiation of UV to be enough to trigger the photochemical reaction which lead to the breaking down of ozone but not enough to melt the clouds and stop the reaction. The presence of the polar stratospheric clouds are why ozone in this area is being depleted so rapidly, and not in other areas (explained in my next blog).
Even though the antarctic polar vortex confines the depletion of ozone within the area of circulating cold air around the continent(Toon,1991), when the clouds have melted and the reactions are terminated, warm air from lower latitudes intrudes, and the depleted ozone air blows towards the equator, and usually is focused above Australia, and specifically Brisbane(Solomon,2010). The location of Australia near the equator means that not only is there less ozone for the suns rays to travel through, and therefore less is absorbed or reflected, but the sun in this area is also overhead, which is why these areas are at the highest risk for skin cancer ( 

Figure 1 (EPA,2010)

Contrary to Carbon Dioxide, Ozone concentrations have been observed to have decreased (Figure 1) over the years, and especially since 1980, when CFC use will have started to become very popular. Therefore the negative correlation between CFC's and ozone show us how strong the anthropogenic impact on a crucial element of the earths atmosphere has been.
Just like so much effort is put into decreasing anthropogenic emissions of Carbon Dioxide, it is just as important to minimize CFC usage.

Atmospheric Ozone is a crucial element to the atmosphere. It absorbs UV radiation which can have extremely damaging effects on plants, animals and even humans as mentioned previously. Skin cancer, cataracts and destruction of crops are only a few of the devastating effects that high UV radiation can have. 

Figure 3: CFC free labels from around the world

Care about the Aussies?
Care about the environment?
Look out for the CFC free labels!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

What made the gulf shine?

Oil... Oil and MORE oil!!!
Loss of wildlife, people, small companies, coasts!

BP really screwed up didn't they?
200 million gallons of oil was dumped into the gulf in April 2010

Animals - Our dear friends the bottle-nose dolphins and sea turtles are declining in numbers, and evidence undoubtedly links deaths with the effects of the oil spill!
3,000 birds dead birds were found with evidence of oiling. Birds lose their buoyancy when exposed to oil and they fail to regulate their body temperature. - you can imagine that a drowning freezing bird wont survive for long!
Finally, eggs and larvae have lowered spawning success when exposed to oil. Overall, not a great result.

Poor birdy
Controversy - long term impacts on humans. Four years later and people in New Orleans are still showing symptoms from the chemicals in the oil dispersants they came in contact with on beach cleanups.
Impacts on humans

$25 billion has already been spent on compensation and cleanups of the oil. But is it enough? If we are still seeing impacts upon wildlife and human health then shouldn't more be done? Responsibility taken?

BUT, it's not only BP that claimed they were going to fix everything, Obama whilst on visit to the beaches affected in May stated:
 “I’m here to tell you that you are not alone, you will not be abandoned, you will not be left behind,” he told people in Grand Isle, where the beach has been closed by gobs of oil. “The media may get tired of the story, but we will not. We will be on your side and we will see this through"
---- so many promises!

To conclude, human's demand for energy and power has resulted in the murder of wildlife which depends on the ocean. Additionally people attempting to clean up the problem have had to deal with serious health problems. Another oil spill must be avoided at all costs.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Which is the greatest threat?

Air Pollution
First thing you see when you Google Air Pollution is the corresponding Wikipedia page, where the first sentence states the death and destruction which it brings to people and ecosystems.
So obviously air pollution is bad, and the less pollution there is the better, BUT
How much pollution is too much? 
Which countries/cities suffer worst from it? 
What is truly the effect of air pollution on our climate? 
All these are questions which I will attempt to answer over the following weeks.
Air Pollution can cause difficulties breathing and even lasting lung problems.

A lot of effort has been made to decrease air pollution in most developed countries around the world. Policies such as the Kyoto Protocol bound most European countries into decreasing their emissions by at least 5% between 2008 and 2012 based on a 1990 baseline.

Oil Pollution impacts on wildlife
Water pollution on the other hand, in my opinion has drawn less global attention. As its immediate impacts are mainly upon wildlife and not humans, it is safe to assume that people don't worry about it as much, and will therefore invest a lot less money and time in trying to prevent it or cleaning it up. However, they don't always consider that 71% of the earths surface is covered with the worlds oceans and 97% of the earths water. As I will explain in further blogs this volume of water could be crucial to the sustainability of the Earth and humans.

This seal is not adapted to deal with plastic in its habitat.

I was born and raised in Greece, so to hear that while 18 year old Boyan Slat, was scuba diving in Greece a few years ago he was astounded to find more plastic bags than fish, is a bit of a blow. He tells us that his scuba diving partner, turned to him and said "Boyan, I cant believe how many jellyfish there are here, I must have seen thousands!!" ... there were no jellyfish according to Boyan.

Below I've found a Ted talk by Fabien Cousteau, grandson of Jacques Cousteau discussing the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and why water pollution can be detrimental to wildlife. I love how passionate he is!

So what do you think is a greater issue? Water or air pollution? Tell me what you think in the poll on the top right.

See you next week :)